Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Prayer Intentions

I thought it would be nice and helpful to me to add a list of prayer intentions on the side. Names are by 1 initial to safeguard privacy. If anyone needs to add a prayer request, just let me know.

Catholics Come Home

A new initiative is underway to call lapsed Catholics home and new souls to the Church.

Catholics Come Home

Here is one of their commercials:

Epic 120

Monday, February 25, 2008

A Modern Holocaust

The other day I came across a program on television on people who wanted a baby so badly they went so far as to cut open pregnant women and steal their unborn children or at least try to. We've all heard about such cases. They are pretty terrible and terrifying. During the course of the show that focused on a few specific cases, some doctors and therapists and other experts were interviewed regarding the nature of these cases and the people who committed such horrible crimes. I was struck with how every "expert" referred to the unborn stolen children as Fetuses.

Yes, Fetus is the technical word for an unborn offspring of viviparous mammals, including humans. And, yes, the term is often used out of respect for the pro-choice community who, heaven forbid, should actually acknowledge they are killing a human baby. It is pure hypocrisy to refer to unborn babies as fetuses and not refer to adults as homo sapiens and children as offspring. Why not refer to adults as homo sapiens or children as offspring? Simply, it isn't necessary for their purposes. The seemingly universal use of the word Fetus is simply the pro-abortion community's influence at dehumanizing an unborn child.

What is the difference between calling an unborn child a fetus and a tattooing a number on a Jew? There isn't one. Both are trying to force a complete lack of recognition of the individual as a human being. It is nothing new that Abortion is America's greatest Holocaust but anyone who recognizes the inherent evil in abortion should refuse to use the word Fetus considering the reason for its use today.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

What Gives?

On Monday it was over 70 degrees outside.

Now it is snowing.

Too wierd.

Unfortunately my weight ticker will not be moving this week. It's a shame. I was doing really well too. Last week, however, I began to really struggle with weight loss, became very tired even to the point of wanting a nap even before Cecilia's naptime, and began to get daily headaches in the afternoon and evenings. I had an idea what the culprit might be.

I was right.

The doctor confirmed this morning my thyroid levels were off. After all, the last time it was checked I was 8 months pregnant. I start the new dosage tomorrow and hopefully I will be feeling better and losing more weight by next week.

In some sense it can be nice when the thyroid does this and I can at least throw up my hands and protest it is not my fault. At the same time it really sucks when you are working hard to diet and your pesky thyroid gets in the way.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

We got up this morning to this...

And Cecilia wanted to play outside. :::Sigh::: She thought the ice looked like fun. Our deck looks pretty much the same.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

How to kick a habit...

I have bitten my nails for over 20 years. In fact I have bitten them for as long as I can remember. And I don't mean I bit them to trim them. It was worse than that. Talk about a habit.

I have not bitten my nails in almost 3 months. I think I can safely say, I have finally kicked the habit. My primary motivation for wanting to stop was that I didn't want either of my daughters to copy me. The funny thing is, I've been motivated before but never succeeded. Not for very long anyway.

The secret?

Have a 2 year old and an infant to keep you busy from waking to collapsing. LOL. Worked for me.


You may have noticed I added a column on the left of books I have read this year. I thought it might be interesting to see how many and what books I read this year.

I do have two books I am working on now and hope to finish by the end of Lent. I won't add them until I finish them but they are the Letters of Jane Austen and the huge biography of John Paul II.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Two Years in Pictures

Cecilia at 2 weeks

Cecilia at 3 Months

Cecilia at 6 Months

Cecilia at 1 Year

Cecilia at 18 Months

Cecilia at 2 Years

Thursday, February 07, 2008

I think He's Happy

Last night Duke and UNC played each other being the #2 and #3 teams.

This morning James said he was going to head downstairs and see if Duke won.

This greeted us...

LOL. I think Grandpa was satisfied with the scores.